light mode
dark mode
Ka Long Ngai
software developer
through careful design
and thoughtful thinking,
we can all create beauty.
natural language processing
2024 college class / CSE 354 / Python, NLP, Machine Learning, AI
computer security fundamentals
2024 college class / CSE 331 / Cybersecurity, C++, Python
cohesive robotics smart finishing workcell
2024 summer internship / C++, Python, Embedded System, Robotic, Linux, Qt, ROS2
system fundamentals 2
2024 college class / CSE 320 / C, Signals, Concurrency
words smith
2024 hopperhacks submission / HTML, CSS, JavaScript
fundamentals of software developement
2023 college class / CSE 316 / MERN Stack, Design Pattern
system fundamentals 1
2023 college class / CSE 220 / C, MIPS, Pointers, Datapath
programming abstraction
2023 college class / CSE 216 / OCaml, Java, Python
typewriter jyutping
2023 side project / HTML, CSS, JavaScript
data structures & algorithms
2022 college class / CSE 214 / Java
spotify shuffle algorithm
2022 side project / Java, Bash, JavaScript
sbu weather bot
2022 side project / Node.js, JavaScript
Hello, I am Ka Long. I was
born in Hong Kong, now
residing in New York City.
I am a junior at Stony
Brook University who is
studying computer science.
With a strong passion for
solving problems through
programming, I am inspired to become a software
engineer and explore the
intricacies of this field.
born in Hong Kong, now
residing in New York City.
I am a junior at Stony
Brook University who is
studying computer science.
With a strong passion for
solving problems through
programming, I am inspired to become a software
engineer and explore the
intricacies of this field.